Hanging out in McMurdo became overcast when I get my flight scheduled back to
New Zealand due to the DC3 accident forcing the cancellation of the rest of our project. Luckily we actually left on the day and time on the schedule, it was a long enough wait as is, or was, out on the sea ice runway watching them unload pallets of beer. Soon after our arrival in NZ, I was overcome with the shock of smelling the plants, feeling the moisture on my skin, and finally seeing night. I quickly booked bus tickets to
Warwick’s relatives' farm in the northern nook of the south island, Ngatamoti, where I spent Xmas three years ago. Warwick and parents arrived the next day and the filming of the next zombie flic began, wigs, blood and food based open wounds. Oh and sausages on the grill, lots of sausage. New years eve went well, with a fireworks show shortly after a long round of “fuzzy duck” (don’t ask) and no one had to drive home. My first and only resolution, buy tickets to
France to spend some well deserved vacation with Virginie. Oh yeah, that’s crazy, I agree, who would buy last minute tickets 2/3rds around the world. Anybody who knows me, which would only be the people reading this, wouldn’t believe such spontaneity. But given the possibility of seeing my mom and spending quality time with Virginie, (plus a decent airfare) I hoped on the 35 hour opportunity. I saw
Singapore, briefly and a few bad movies and threw some more yarn together, and poof: rainy
Paris, smooch style. Then we skipped of to Brusselles for a few days to hang with mom and Chloe. Nothing new in the land of beer, beside a brief collapse of government and we were off again to
Nantes to hang out with Sandra, and the kids for a week. We didn’t get to see much due to the intermittent rain. But we were mainly there to see the kids which we saw plenty of and hang out with their friends during (smoky) dinners. We tried to see this:

But it was on winter vacation, so bummer (more info http://www.lesmachines-nantes.fr/mentions.php)
At this point I have been living out of the same suitcase for 3 months and sleeping in different places every week, so I am getting a bit home sick. I finished up my fourth hat for my mom and gave two of my hats to Zelda and Achilles since they were mostly too small for regular peeps. But, then we went to Toulouse to see V’s parents and grand parents. To add to the irony, the day on the train was nice and sunny, meanwhile our stay in Nantes and Toulouse was rainy or overcast, what can you do. Finally we rail back to paris for two nights, hung out with Sofie of course, and finally home again! And isn't it nice, despite the rain here too (cause I knew it wouldn't last long). But just becasue I am back and have plently of time to goof off I still waited a month before trying to write about it. Happy now?
# posted by plauale @ 13:06